This is a long belated post... I met Alice from Brothers and Sisters a couple of months ago, it's our common love for hats that brought us together. She is a little ray of sunshine and I instantly loved her style. The only thing is: as much as I like hats, I consider turbans a special breed. They are very common in the Middle East because they work well with the "modest fashion" movement (a very stylish alternative to the veil), but we don't wear them as easily in Europe.
When she showed me her collections, the first thing that came to my mind was the 30's, so it was an evidence that I should pair it with my grandmother's 1930's lace dress... I just needed to locate it in my suitcases! And thanks to this first long week-end of the year, I finally did!
As fun as it was to shoot these 2 items together, I still feel pretty shy about the turban. I think it comes naturally to the ladies in the region, when for me it is more of an effort: Ascia from The Hybrids and Dee from Street Style Savyy are 2 great examples. Give me a cloche or a bibi and I am instantly in my element, but a turban... I need to work at it, it's just out of my comfort zone (such profound reflexions, this post is the exact opposite to the last one, oh well, can't be serious all the time!).
Oh, and the black and white picture I am looking at on the above photo? My grandmother, the one who purchased and wore that sexy 1930's dress. Way to go Nina!
For more turban, have a look at Brothers and Sisters website:
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